
Голливуд получает цветокоррекцию на основе искусственного интеллекта с Colourlab AI.


Бесплатный пробный период


Возможности сервиса Colourlab:

Colourlab AI
is an AI-powered color grading software designed to provide Hollywood-level quality for various users. Key features and advantages include:
Seamless integration
: Connects with popular editing software like Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, and DaVinci Resolve
Smart filters and presets
: Offers endless looks for films and automates color balancing with one click
: Automates mundane editing tasks, allowing users to focus on creative touches

Use cases
for Colourlab AI cater to a range of professionals:
Colorists and editors
seeking to elevate the look of their films
Filmmakers and content creators
aiming for Hollywood-level quality
Post-production houses
looking to streamline the editing process

Overall, Colourlab AI serves as an assistant colorist, making balancing and equalizing tasks more efficient while allowing users to focus on the creative aspects of their work.

Оцените проект Colourlab

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