Маскирование, подмножество, предоставление и обнаружение данных с помощью одного инструмента TDM.


Цена по запросу


Возможности сервиса DATPROF:

offers a comprehensive Test Data Management (TDM) platform to ensure compliance, save time, and distribute test data effortlessly. It provides solutions for data masking, subsetting, provisioning, and discovery.
Key Features

Central TDM
: Manage and refresh test data across environments from one central location.
CI/CD Integration
: Integrate and automate test data processes within your CI/CD pipeline to shorten time to market.
Reduce Cost
: Save on network & infrastructure costs by working with less data in the test environment.
Self-Service Portal
: Developers and testers can create and request their test data using the self-service portal.
Security and Compliance
: Your test data is secure and compliant with national and international laws such as GDPR.
Shorter Time-To-Market
: Quality test data allows teams to test early and more reliably, delivering high quality faster.

Use Cases

: Used DATPROF for high-quality data masking, transforming manual work into real masking.
Dutch Railroads
: Improved the speed of creating test data and increased the quality of products.
: Found ease of use, valuable features related to integration and usage over the web, and the ability to use customized scripts and conditions.

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